Illustrations of american painter Bruce Pennington (b. 1944) to Nostradamus prophecies.

Centvrie 2 quatrain 1
VERS Aquitaine par insuls Britanniques

De par eux-mesmes grandes incursions

Pluyes, gelees feront terroirs iniques,

Port Selyn fortes fera inuasions.
Towards Aquitaine by the British isles

By these themselves great incursions.

Rains, frosts will make the soil uneven,

"Port Selyn" will make mighty invasions.
В Аквитанию с Британских островов

От их собственного имени - большие набеги.

Дожди, заморозки сделают земли непроходимыми.

Порт Selin осуществит сильные вторжения.

Centvrie 2 quatrain 95
Les lieux peuplez seront inhabitables:

Pour champs auoir grande diuision:

Regnes liurez а prudens incapables,

Lors les grands freres mort & dissention.
The populous places will be uninhabitable:

Great discord to obtain fields:

Realms delivered to prudent incapable ones:

Then for the great brothers dissension and death.
Населенные местности станут необитаемыми,

Чтобы провести великое разделение полей.

Царства, управляемые нерешительными бездарями.

Тогда - великие братья - смерть и разногласия.

Centvrie 4 quatrain 47

Le noir farouche quand aura essayй

Sa main sanguine par teu, fer arcs tendus,

Trestous le peuple sera tant effrayй,

Voir les plus grans par col & pieds pendus.


The savage black one when he will have tried

His bloody hand at fire, sword and drawn bows:

All of his people will be terribly frightened,

Seeing the greatest ones hung by neck and feet.



Centvrie 4 quatrain 77

Selin monarque l'Italie pacifique,

Regnes vnis par Roy Chrestien du monde:

Mourant voudra coucher en terre blesique,

Apres pyrates auoir chassй de l'onde.
"Selin" monarch Italy peaceful,

Realms united by the Christian King of the World:

Dying he will want to lie in Blois soil,

After having chased the pirates from the sea.
Selin [-] монарх мирной Италии,

Царства объединены христианским королем мира.

Умирая, [он] захочет лежать в земле Блуа,

После того, как изгонит пиратов с моря.

Centvrie 5 quatrain 59
Au chef Anglois а Nismes trop seiour,

Deuers l'Espagne au secours Aenobarbe

Plusieurs mourront par Mars ouuert ce iour,

Quand en Artois faillir estoille en barbe.
Too long a stay for the English chief at Nimes,

Towards Spain Redbeard to the rescue:

Many will die by war opened that day,

When a bearded star will fall in Artois.
Глава Англии слишком задержится в Ниме,

При Испании на подмогу Агенобарбу.

Многие погибнут на начатой в тот день войне,

Когда в Артуа упадет бородатая звезда.

Centvrie 6 quatrain 66
Au fondement de la nouuelle secte,

Seront les os du grand Romain trouuez,

Sepulchre en marbre apparoistra couuerte,

Terre trembler en Auril, mal enfoьetz.
At the foundation of the new sect,

The bones of the great Roman will be found,

A sepulchre covered by marble will appear,

Earth to quake in April poorly buried.

Centvrie 8 quatrain 78

Vn bragamas auec la langue torte,

Viendra des dieux le sanctuaire:

Aux heretiques il ouurira la porte,

En suscitant l'Eglise militaire.
A soldier of fortune with twisted tongue

will come to the sanctuary of the gods.

He will open the door to heretics

and raise up the Church militant.

9 quatrain 66
Paix, vnion sera & changement,

Estats, offices bas haut & haut bien bas

Dresser voyage, le fruict premier tourment,

Guerre cesser, ciuil proces debats.
There will be peace, union and change,

Estates, offices, low high and high very low:

To prepare a trip, the first offspring torment,

War to cease, civil process, debates.

Centvrie 10 quatrain 65
O vaste Rome ta ruyne s'approche,

Non de tes murs, de ton sang & substance

L'aspre par lettres fera si horrible coche,

Fer pointu mis а tous iusques au manche.
O vast Rome, thy ruin approaches,

Not of thy walls, of thy blood and substance:

The one harsh in letters will make a very horrible notch,

Pointed steel driven into all up to the hilt.